The election of Langholm Cornet was held on Friday the 10th of May. The results of the vote were preceded by the general public meeting, during which the trustees of the Common Riding gave a report of the year’s work.
Chairman ex-Cornet Tommy Morrison noted the retirement of long-standing trustee and member Martin Borthwick, and thanked him for his tireless work for the Common Riding.
Cornet Christopher William Tait was congratulated on the outstanding job he did carrying the burgh standard, with Chairman ex-Cornet Tommy Morrison noting that the smile had not left his face from dawn til dusk. It was also noted that Christopher was the first Cornet to cry the fair at the Castle Craigs, and that he made an excellent job of doing so. He then went on to thank sponsors and donors for their generosity towards the Common Riding, without whom the event simply would not be possible.
Secretary Kenneth Hill then gave a report on the events arising in the last year. He informed attendees that Chairman ex-Cornet Tommy Morrison had agreed to fill the post for another year, and that trustees and members had welcomed this.
The major consideration for the year was that of the burgh standard, with the matter first being brought to the fore in 2022. Thank to the generosity of the Irving family, a new flag has been produced by UK Flagmakers in Chesterfield, with the existing flag refurbished to an excellent standard. The new flag was unveiled by Colin Irving at the Common Riding AGM in March, and everyone agreed how wonderful a job has been done. 2024 would see the new flag’s first outing.
Kenneth also mentioned that a flagpole topper has been skilfully crafted by Daniel Lacey from the iconic fallen chestnut tree on the Castleholm, ensuring that the tree plays a part in Langholm Common Riding as it has done for so many years previously. However, with space on the Castleholm now free due to the fallen tree, members of the public were encouraged to come up with suggestions for that vacant space and get in touch with members.
The other major consideration for members is that of the grandstand. The existing grandstand was found to be out of the question following a structural engineers report. The consensus has been that we will need a grandstand of sorts, though the Common Riding may be without one this year.
Treasurer Joyce Bell then gave a report on the year’s finances. The biggest increases in revenue for last year came from an increase in sponsorship and donations, tie and ribbon sales, and a significant increase in takings at the bar.
Attendance and takings in 2023 performed similarly to 2022, with the prices of tickets held year on year.
However, it was noted that expenditure had increased by 12%, in line with inflation. Despite this, 2023’s Common Riding produced a surplus similar to that of 2022, leaving Langholm Common Riding in a strong financial position going forward.
The result of the election was then announced. Bailey Kenneth Donaldson secured 327 votes, Jamie Gormley secured 171, Callum Thomas Henderson secured 102, Thomas David Hope secured 111, Lloyd Johnstone secured 190, and Ewan Alexander Patterson secured 279.
When the meeting was opened to the floor, issues of waste bins, the narrowing gap at the top of the Kirk Wynd, and the collapsed wall on Drove Road were raised. Chairman ex-Cornet Tommy Morrison took these on board and will raise them at the next members’ meeting.
As there was no further business, the meeting was then drawn to a close.